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Hornet is another dating app that takes inspiration from all the best parts of Tinder, but it makes it a better experience for gay and bisexual men. The app has more than 20 million members, from New York to Prague, and offers unlimited messaging, match recommendations, and event searches. Recently, one woman's story of the classic Tinder experience has even turned into its own meme. In an article for the lifestyle website Mamamia, Alita Brydin, from Melbourne, Australia, recounts how a seemingly great match went awry with just a five-word text. Let’s be real, the dating landscape looks very different today, as most people are meeting online. With Tinder, the world’s most popular free dating app, you have millions of other single people at your fingertips and they’re all ready to meet someone like you. Whether you’re straight or in the LGBTQIA community, Tinder’s here to. Tinder’s Recently Active text will be displayed on profiles that have been active in Tinder in the last 24 hours. However, you won’t see when exactly was the last time they have been active or if they are using Tinder at that moment. To be honest, I think this feature is pretty useless. If you are using Tinder actively and check it at least. Tinder is much more than just a dating app, according to Taru Kapoor, General Manager, India, Tinder and Match Group. “Tinder is what you make of it. Especially the younger folks, they are a.

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When it comes to finding a date on Tinder a lot depends on who you see, who sees you, and who you ultimately match with after you both swipe right. But how does Tinder know who to show you to? That’s what the Tinder algorithm is for.

There’s been a lot written about the Tinder algorithm in recent years (we’ve even written about it here on The Date Mix) and what it’s based on. Is it attractiveness? Distance? Does your college or job title come into play? Or what about other basic information like your age? It’s been a bit of a guessing game when it comes to knowing just how the app matches people, but recently Tinder came out with some new insights about how their algorithm works, and it’s not how you may think.

Here are some of the key insights from Tinder’s 2019 algorithm update:

1. The most important thing is how active you are on the app.
Since Tinder started, the app has grown in popularity and sparked the curiosity of people all over the world. But with that curiosity comes some drawbacks. A lot of people join the app just to take a look around and never have any intention of actually dating. That means there are a lot of profiles on the app that real daters don’t want to waste their time with.

That’s one of the many reasons Tinder’s algorithm uses user activity to match people with each other.

“The most important factor that can help you improve your match potential on Tinder is…using the app,” the company explained in its March blog post about the algorithm. “We prioritize potential matches who are active, and active at the same time. We don’t want to waste your time showing you profiles of inactive users.”

2. Things like ethnicity, kids, height, and religion don’t matter as much.
Unlike a lot of other dating apps, Tinder doesn’t ask its users for a lot of information. They don’t even collect info. like your religion, ethnicity, whether you’ve been divorced, or if you have kids so they also don’t use that information to match you with other people.

“We don’t care (or store) whether you’re black, white, magenta or blue. Our algorithm doesn’t know if you make $10 or $10 million a year,” the company said. “And we aren’t going to show you all the blondes first because they supposedly have more fun.”

However, even though the Tinder algorithm doesn’t explicitly match people based on ethnicity or other features, they do use a user’s implicit swiping preferences to inform their matches. For example, if a user swipes right on potential matches with long hair and glasses a lot, Tinder knows they’re more likely to keep swiping right on people with those characteristics. Similar to how Netflix will show you movies, “Based on your interest in X,” Tinder’s algorithm will show you people who have characteristics in common with people you’ve already swiped right on.

3. The Elo score isn’t important anymore. (Wait… or is it?)
According to Tinder, back in the day they did rely on your Elo score (that was thought of as a type of attractiveness score) to match you with other people who had a similar score.

“This part of our algorithm compared Likes and Nopes,” said Tinder’s blog post. “And was utilized to show you potential matches who may be a fit for you, based on similarities in the way others would engage with profiles.”

Though their language is a little less clear on this one, it sounds like the Elo score matched you with other people who “engage with profiles” in the same way you do. (AKA people who say yes and get said yes to in the same way you do. As well as people who say no and get said no to in the same way you do.) Their new system is slightly different however.

“Our current system adjusts the potential matches you see each and every time your profile is Liked or Noped,” they explained, “and any changes to the order of your potential matches are reflected within 24 hours or so.”

So instead of having an attractiveness score that determines who you see and don’t see, now the app constantly adjusts your matches based on who swipes left or right on you—no score needed. Attractiveness is still a factor (which makes sense—after all, it is an important aspect of dating and romantic relationships) but it’s implemented in a different way.

4. Explicit preferences.
And the most simple (and perhaps obvious) factor is the preferences you set for yourself. Tinder does take into account your age and gender preferences as well as the preferences of the people they match you with. For instance, if you’re over 60 and only want to meet people who are in their 20s, you may run out of potential matches because they’ll only show you 20 year-olds who also want to match with 60 year-olds. So don’t get too crazy with your filters, the preferences have to work both ways.

Like most algorithms, Tinder’s is constantly changing and evolving. And Tinder itself has said that they can’t reveal everything that goes into their secret sauce. Keep in mind that your activity and responsiveness plays a factor, avoid saying yes to everyone you see, and be honest with your swipes. The algorithm is designed to help you be successful. Let it do its work and you just may find that it’s smarter than you think.

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Mobile dating apps like Tinder show age, a biography about yourself as well as location. However, is it able to tell when you’re are online and using the app?

There is no indicator if someone is active and online using Tinder. The only way to determine if someone is using the app is if their location changes or they are sending messages to your profile.

In this article, we’re going to show you how you can see if someone is active on Tinder.

How To Tell If Someone Is Active On Tinder

There currently is no direct way of knowing if someone is on Tinder. Apps like Plenty Of Fish have a special segment called “online now”, where they showcase profiles that are actively using the app.

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Unfortunately, Tinder does not have any features that allow users to see when a profile is online, or when it was last active. Back in 2019, they used to have a last active feature, which has since been removed from the app.

The reason Tinder removed these features was due to safety precautions. Tinder is doing everything they can in order to prevent online stalking.

If you’re looking to see if someone is online or active on Tinder, there are a few small hacks you can do, to see if someone is active.

Looking for a complete user guide to using Tinder? Check ours out here.

Check The Location To See If It’s Changed

The first way to see if someone is active is to see if their location has changed.

For instance, Tinder gives you information about how far the user you matched with is. This is presented in a number form.

For instance, if the user is 46 miles away when you last talked to them (and possible for the entire time you talked) and they are now 15 miles away from you – it means they’re active on Tinder.

When the user opens the mobile app, immediately their location is changed and displayed to other users. Tinder does this for a few reasons.

First, Tinder needs to improve the quality of matches it delivers you. If you have your preferences set to find users 1 mile away, it will find your location and deliver you users that are 1 mile away.

Second, other people need to find your profile that is in your proximity. As soon as Tinder makes a successful connection to the GPS signal, it will display it in the app. Tinder is all about making the experience as best as possible for both users.

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See If The User Is Typing

Another way to see if a profile is active is to see if they’ve entered anything into the chatbox. Similar to how iPhones have thinking bubbles, Tinder has adopted this feature.

Users are able to see when another user is typing on Tinder by the three dots that appear in the chat. As soon as something is entered into the chat box (text or a gif), the three bubbles will appear.

This is a great way to see if another user is active online, especially if you’re waiting for a message back from that user.

Check For Picture & Biography Updates

Next, is to check for pictures or any bio updates. If a person is active on Tinder, there will most likely but updated pictures on that user’s profile.

Updated pictures mean any pictures that were taken recently. The best way to check for this ( if you’re friends with them on social media), is to cross-reference when the picture was taken and if it matches their social profile.

Another way to determine is to see if they have any holiday pictures. If they have Christmas pictures, there’s a good chance you can predict that the picture was taken around December.

Users will often update their bio to reflect their new views or give a bit more information about themselves. To determine if a user is active, check to see if they updated their bio or even deleted their bio.

Swipe Right To See If They Swipe Right On You

The last way to see if a user is active online is to swipe right on their profile (if you haven’t matched yet) and see if they match you back.

Active profiles will be notified that they have at least one match waiting for them. Tinder users this notification to entice the users to swipe.

If the person swipes right on you and you match, that means that they’re active on Tinder.

How To Appear Offline Or Inactive On Tinder

If you’re looking to appear offline or not active on Tinder, there are only a few ways to still check messages without being noticed.

The first way to delete your profile completely. If you don’t want to appear on the app anymore, completely delete your profile and remove your phone’s mobile dating app. This is the best way to appear offline or inactive.

The second way is to use the app from the location you always used it at, without changing anything. The mileage won’t change as far as distance, and to other users, it will look like the profile is dormant.

Last, if you’re just looking to check messages or to see someone’s information you matched with, enable airplane mode with just the wi-fi enabled. This will allow you to connect to the internet, but Tinder won’t be able to use your GPS signal.

The best way of course is the first way, to completely remove the profile. This ensures that non of your information will be shown on Tinder and you won’t have to worry or hide anything.


There is no way to currently see if someone is active or online on Tinder. However, users can look at the distance away, new bios and pictures, or see if the user is typing in order to determine if the user is online.

Tinder hides the user’s status in order to protect them from potential stalkers or creepers. If you’re looking to see if someone is active, the best bet may be to just ask them or ask to see if the app is live on their phone.

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