Kundli Match Making Online

First things first, what is kundli matching? We may have heard this term many times or in recent times, with the advent of online kundali matching, ‘online kundali milan’.

Online software for Vedic Matchmaking (Kundli Milan) Welcome to our free interactive online marriage matching service. This Kundali Matching service helps you to find right partner based on your birth details. This Koota matching tool will give you details of matchmaking based on astha koota matching system and it is also checks kuja dosha (mangal dosh, manglik) along with dosha nakshatra (Vedha. Free Online Kundli Matching Report by Date of Birth based on Vedic Astrology. Kundali Matching is also known as Matchmaking. This Vedic astrology based procedure of matching two horoscopes for marriage and relationship is all about finding a highly compatible partner in terms of mutual understating, sexuality, ability to produce kids and enjoying a long-lasting married life. Sep 30, 2020 Free Kundali Matching by Name and Date of Birth. If you put your date of birth with free horoscope matching software and match your kundali. You can get only basic information from it and based on the basic information, you will not get full benefits. Then later you will have to regret it. Therefore, you should give priority to expert advice. Kundli Matching. Kundli Matching or Horoscope Matching plays a vital role at the time of marriage. Hindu Scriptures consider marriage as a holy union planned even before taking birth. Marriage is also one of the most beautiful moments in one’s life. Free Online Kundli Matching. Marriage is a turning point in the lives of two people and their families. This beautiful relationship ties two souls, together for lifetime and beyond. It is a new beginning; a beginning for which every man and woman waits since they enter into an age where they feel ready for this commitment.

Kundli matching is the matching of two horoscopes to ensure that together, they are compatible. It is used mainly for the purposes of fixing up a marriage. The more the horoscopes match, the more assurance that the couple will live a long, happy married life.

Matching the horoscopes of the prospective groom and bride is an age-old practice in India. In the present times, though, especially with the widespread use of online kundali matching, I do not recommend making important decisions like marriage on the basis of horoscopes or Kundli matching. It is exactly for this reason that I’ve provided you with this free kundali matching tool below so you don’t have to rely on any third person for this information and therefore, eliminate the chances of being misguided. It doesn’t befit an educated or a spiritual person to make life-defining decisions based on astrological charts, in my humble view. Any horoscope matching for marriage can and should only be a guide. The aim is to ultimately rise above astrology. Come to think of it, is astrology even real?

Kundli Matching for Marriage:

Did you know there is actually a separate branch of Astrology with regard to horoscope matching for marriage? It is called Synastry and focuses exclusively on determining the compatibility of two partners.

In Synastry’s popular Ashta Koota method, compatibility is measured through eight aspects including temperament, love, sex and health. The best kundli matching one can attain while matching two horoscopes is 36 points or Gunas, as it is called. Anything less than 18 points is considered a poor match.

The first question to address in kundli matching for marriage is if it is even needed. Should a life with someone really be determined by planetary positions? The answer is simple. Of course not.

The best kundli matching one can do is to truly understand the partner we plan to spend our lives with. Do your fundamental beliefs match? What are the principles you will stand for like a couple? What is your family life going to be like? How will you split parental and financial responsibilities? How will you prioritize spending time with each other?

Are the answers to these questions complementary? That’s it then. You’ve just done the best kundli matching you could do.

Nowadays, of course, online kundli milan is on the rise. All one has to do is input details into a free kundli matching system or horoscope generator and voila. One’s birth chart is ready to be compared with a potential partner’s. This is truer of arranged marriages. In such instances, kundli matching is certainly useful because it gives information on a virtual stranger. It helps us in deciding whether we would like to commit ourselves to this person for the rest of our life.

Kundli match making online in hindi

Again, it is important to emphasize that this is simply a guide, not a final decision.

Having said that, please enter the details below to generate the horoscope.

Have fun and don’t take it too seriously. I’ve provided the astrology tools here for educative purposes only.

~Om Swami

By using our services, you agree to subscribe to our newsletter. Your data is not stored anywhere on our servers and it’s never used for any other purpose than generating your horoscope. If you don’t know how to read astrological charts, you are welcome to join The Truth of Astrology camp.

Kundli Match Making Online

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Kundali matching?
Kundali matching is comparing the horoscopes of the prospective groom and the bride to ensure marital bliss.

Kundli Match Making Online Games

Traditionally following points are considered in Kundli matching,

1. Guna Milan

2. Mangal Dosha

Guna Milan is mostly done using the Ashtkoot method wherein Kundli is matched based on eight parameters, namely, Varna, Vashya, Tara, Yoni, Graha (Planet) Maitri, Gana, Bhakoot, and Nadi. For more information on Ashktoot, checkout sample lesson from our Astrology course here. Mangal dosha is considered one of the important aspects of Kundli matching.

Is Kundli matching necessary for love marriage?

Sometimes the question arises whether to perform Kundali matching in case of love marriage or not. Om Swami answers this question by narrating a beautiful story; you can listen to it in his own words here. As per Om Swami, if the prospective groom or bride has chosen the partner by their will and both are committed towards each other then the necessity of Kundali matching should not arise. Conversely, if the marriage is performed even after Kundali matching but the couple is not committed then the chances of failure are even more.
Let me share one experience regarding Kundli matching in case, of love marriage.

A few years back in one of my previous companies, there was one bubbly girl in her mid-twenties, Swara.

One afternoon while having tea with her, I noticed that she was unusually quiet.

“Anything bothering you?” I asked.

She shooked her head. Few moments passed in silence.

“Did you do Kundali matching at the time of your marriage?”, Swara asked.

“Yes, we did. Since it was one of my mom’s filtering criteria, ” I chuckled.

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“Hmm,” she said, troubled.

“Hey, are you getting married to Aadi?” I asked.

We all were aware that she was dating a boy named Aadi.

“Um, yeah might be,” she said slowly.

“Why you are sounding so dull, aren’t you sure?” I asked.

Aadi’s parents agreed initially however they don’t want to go forward after Kundli matching,” Swara said with a distant look.

“Oh, why so?” I asked.

“In Kundli matching, we discovered that I am Manglik,” Swara was teary-eyed by the time she finished the sentence.

“What Aadi thinks about it?” I asked.

“He doesn’t want to go against his parents,” Swara choked.

Kundli Match Making Online

“He should have done Kundli matching before falling in love,” I remarked.

Online kundli match making future point

I felt sorry for Swara. Despite being beautiful, talented, and having a good professional career, she had to face such a heartbreak just because she is Manglik.

One should ask the question before taking any such decision – If I am in love with someone and truly committed then what is the need for Kundli matching? Do you think the fierceness of a planet can be reduced by merely marrying a tree?

Kundli Match Making Online App

Some astrology seers believe that if both prospective bride and groom are Manglik then this dosha gets mitigated. According to them, in such cases, the couple is capable of handling each other’s anger.

However, one should understand all aspects of Kundali Matching and the rationale behind it before reaching to any conclusion merely based on any one parameter. Furthermore, those who want to know the facts and myths of Kundli matching, Guna Milan using Ashtakoot, and other related astrological concepts, you can explore the Vedic Astrology (Hindi) and (English) course designed for self-learning.

What is Mangal Dosha?

In Vedic astrology, Mangal dosha is formed when the planet Mars is placed in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, and 12th house of your birth chart. To understand Mangal Dosha correctly, it is important to know the basics of vedic horscope. You can download your horoscope and then also use these free downloadable handouts for your self-study. Here is a video from the Astrology course you can watch for basic understanding of birth charts.

What makes a person Manglik?

A native having Mangal dosha in Kundli is called as Manglik.

Why Mangal dosha is one of the dreaded doshas and what are some of the shocking myths associated with it?

The most prevalent misconception about Mangal dosha is if a Manglik marries a non-Manglik then it might cause the untimely demise of the non-Manglik partner or may cause marital discord/divorce. Hence it is believed that an alliance of Manglik should be done with Manglik to avoid any untoward happening.

What is the rationale behind Mangal dosha in Kundali Matching?

Mars is considered a fiery planet and when it is placed in the above-mentioned houses of the birth chart, except the 8th house, it imparts aspect on the 7th house representing life partner. Hence it is considered to be a cause of aggressiveness and disharmony in the marital relationship.

What is low Mangal dosha in Kundali Matching?

In your birth chart, if a benefic planet is sitting with Mars or aspects Mars then the impact of Mangal dosha is reduced.

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In the Vedic astrology course, Om Swami explains each aspect, of Kundali Matching, in a simple fun way, making it more relevant to today’s life.

In nutshell, for a marriage to be successful, either love or arranged, you need to inculcate understanding, perseverance, and willingness to adjust.

As someone has rightly quoted, “Love happens between two people but marriage happens between two families”.

Kundali matching or Kundli milan is the vedic astrology equivalent of horoscope matching for marriage. In hindu societies, especially in India, where arranged marriages are common, kundali matching is the most important factor taken into consideration while moving ahead with a marriage proposal. Matching kundalis of prospective bride and groom will let them know how stars influence their marriage and what remedial measures need to be taken to ensure eternal marital bliss.

For kundali matching, input birth details of the boy and girl in the form below. The result is based on ashta kuta system, calculating compatibility out of 36 points.

Kundli Milan or gun milan & its importance

Online Kundli Match Making Future Point

Planets and celestial bodies have a profound influence on the lives of every individual. So, when marriage joins two people, it is important to ensure that the heavenly bodies complement each other, resulting in peace, happiness and harmony in married life.

All astrological calculations are based on vedic rules & scientific equations and not on any published almanac.More »

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