Her Dating Profile Is Still Active

Having an active dating profile is literally the first and biggest mistake he could make. It takes two seconds to deactivate a profile or delete an app entirely. Talking to women isn’t suspicious in general, but talking to women directly on a dating site is a reason to worry. Online Dating Tips: We're Exclusive But His Dating Profile Is Still ActiveYou ever start dating a guy and things are going great? He’s calling regularly, you.

I can understand your worry. That him updating his profiles might be indicative that he is trying to keep his options open. That may very well be true. However, truth be told I think you need to walk this lane very carefully. If you ask me your i. Unless you have talked about being exclusive, she hasn't done anything wrong. Bring it up next time you see her. But not about her having a profile, that will make her defensive. Talk about being exclusive, ask her to be your girlfriend. And if you aren't ready for that, keep quiet. She could also be checking to see why your profile is still up. Eventually if you don't use tinder it takes you out of the roster, it takes a while though. There is a setting to take you out of the roster without completely deleting the app so there's no reason he shouldn't have that active.

Now that online dating is a normal way to meet people, new issues have come up that are totally different from the things daters use to worry about. If you’re wondering what you should do or how should you feel when the person you’re dating reveals that they still have an active online dating profile, we’ve outlined seven different scenarios that will likely come up.

Check them out to get some insight into what’s normal online dating behavior, and what’s definitely not ok.

Scenario 1: His profile is live but you’re not official yet.
So, you’ve been on a couple of dates and the two of you seem to have really hit it off, but then you noticed that the guy you’re super interested in changed his profile photo on the dating app you met on, which means that he must still be active. Should you be upset? Probably not. Cut him some slack on this one, because if you haven’t had ‘the relationship talk’ and made things official and exclusive yet, then he might just be covering all his options in case you don’t feel the same way he does. Things might (and should) change after you’ve decided to be exclusive. That’s when the profile needs to come down.

Scenario 2: Your friend finds the profile of woman you’re seeing.
Do you have a friend that also uses the same dating service as you? If he came across the profile of the woman you’re dating and asks you about it, it could get a little weird. First off, try to figure out when was the last time she actually used the app. It might be that she simply hasn’t thought to delete her profile yet. It’s actually really common to leave a dating profile live on a site or app even if you’re seeing someone or not actively online dating. If you really want to find out if she’s still using the app, you could ask your friend to reach out and see if she responds but we wouldn’t recommend it. If she does respond, you’ll feel hurt and things could get awkward. Instead, just ask her if she’s still using the app and start a conversation.

Scenario 3: You’re putting a lot into the relationship but he’s still using the app.
If you discover that the guy you’re with still has his profile live and that he’s been active within the last few days, then it might be time to consider whether you’re investing more in the relationship than he is. Sometimes we can fall head over heels in a short amount of time and simply assume that the same thing is happening to the other person. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case. He might still be treating your relationship as a casual thing and assuming that you are too. If you want something more, you need to tell him how you feel. Even if he’s not on the same page as you, at least you’ll know and can move forward.

Scenario 4: You’re just not sure if she’s still actively online dating.
This is probably the most obvious piece of advice but it can also be the most difficult to put into action. Rather than sneaking around, trying to piece all the information together, you really should just come out and ask her exactly why she still has an active dating profile. This will give her a chance to explain herself and you the opportunity to weigh all the facts before deciding whether you’re happy with where the relationship is headed. Maybe casual is fine with you for a while, maybe it’s not. Either way, it’s better to know where you both stand. Could be she’s been waiting for you to bring it up.

Scenario 5: You’re on an app that lets you change your status.
Many dating apps and sites give you the option to change your relationship status from single to married to everything in between. If the person you’re seeing insists on keeping his profile, ask that he makes it clear that he’s already in a relationship. This might help clear up confusions, and other people will see that his profile is there more as a placeholder than an active advertisement.

Scenario 6: You think about online dating differently.
It might be the case that you and your significant other just have completely different attitudes towards the way online dating sites and apps should work. You might see them as something to use to genuinely try to find a life partner, whereas she might seem them as a place for a little bit of innocent flirting and a self-esteem boost when she’s bored or feeling low. Having a dating profile doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re looking to stray from your relationship, so make sure you understand the other person’s angle whilst at the same time sharing your own.

Scenario 7: He refuses to stop online dating.
Ultimately, if you really want the person you’re with to delete his dating profile and he refuses, then it’s time to reconsidering whether he’s the type of person you want to have a real relationship with. Bottom line—online dating is dating. If you want to be exclusive and give up the app and he’s not ready to stop seeing other people then a relationship isn’t going to work. If he has such a disregard for your feelings, then he isn’t going to be the most compatible partner for you in the long run.

Remember, online dating is still new and it changes all the time. As a result, the social norms and expectations we have for dating before changes right along with the technology we’re using. Be open minded, and if you’re confused or unsure, just ask the other person. Could be you end up laughing over your mutual confusion. Could be you find out he or she isn’t as into the relationship as you though. Either way, you’ll know where you stand and be ready for whatever’s ahead.

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These days, it seems like dating apps offer the best chance of finding your next partner. However, it’s a huge problem if the two of you are on your way to becoming official and monogamous and he hasn’t deleted his accounts.

No guy out there will keep browsing just “for fun.”
There are so many better things this dude could be doing. Getting himself in hot water for simply browsing other women online just isn’t on the list. If your guy actually respected you, he’d have deleted those apps the second things got serious. If you catch him with an active profile, it means he probably isn’t ready to be a trustworthy boyfriend.

Her Dating Profile Is Still Active Online

Nor is he on Tinder to “help out a friend.”
This is an excuse that so many guys give. If they get caught using Tinder, they’ll say they did it because their friend wanted to see if their girlfriend was on there or because their friend wanted to learn how to use the app before committing. Is this legit? Nine out of 10 times, no. People know how dating apps work by now, and if your guy’s friend is having relationship problems, that’s something your boyfriend shouldn’t want to mess with aside from verbal support.

He honestly thinks you’re not smart enough to figure it out.
Cheaters often assume that their lies are bulletproof. If you openly point out the flaws in what he’s saying, he may turn it on you and accuse you of not trusting him. Don’t feel guilty over this and realize that you have the right to doubt him.

Nobody uses Tinder to make new friends.
Tinder is for relationships and hooking up. Sometimes you may end up making a friend out of it, but it’s not the main reason people sign up. If he tells you he was only active because he was browsing for buddies, tell him he should delete his app and join a local MeetUp group to have better luck.


Those messages aren’t just because he’s bored.
Maybe he’s messaged a few girls and while it doesn’t seem sexual, words were exchanged. He might tell you he was just bored, but in a way, that’s almost like saying he’s bored with you and looking for better conversations elsewhere. Plus, when you’re chatting on a dating site, words can turn sexual in an instant. Those conversations are literally two people waiting for the other one to make a move first.

Remember that actions speak louder than words.
This is an important lesson in every relationship. Words are great but the impact of someone sneaking on a dating website is far greater than when they said, “You’re the only one for me, I promise!” Gain a little self-respect and realize that if he cared, he wouldn’t want to make you worried that he’s cheating on you.

If he truly liked you, he’d do anything to hold onto you.
The right guy will realize that you’re a prize and want to eliminate any chance that things could be miscommunicated. Having an active dating profile is literally the first and biggest mistake he could make. It takes two seconds to deactivate a profile or delete an app entirely. Talking to women isn’t suspicious in general, but talking to women directly on a dating site is a reason to worry.

What Dating Profiles Really Mean

If he gets defensive, he’s hiding something.
If someone was innocent and signed in by accident before signing out, it’ll be easy to tell. Mistakes do happen sometime. But if he suddenly accuses you of being too sneaky or gets a little more private with his phone, it’s probably because there’s a lot more on there that he doesn’t want you to see. Even though everyone has a right to privacy, it’s no fun to date someone that you’re constantly suspicious of. Ditch this guy and find someone who won’t be so quick to play games.

He might enjoy the chase more than the romance.
Some guys like to impress girls but then get really bored when things are settled and comfortable. That may be why he’s browsing for his next adventure while stating he’s still happy with you. If you’re looking for long-term love, this isn’t the guy.

There’s a chance he’s too afraid to end things with you.
Nobody likes to break up, so it’s possible he’s hanging out on dating sites since he knows you’ll notice and hope you’ll be the one to officially call it quits. If things have been mediocre between you two for some time, this is probably the smartest move you can make. Dump him and reactivate your own profile to find someone more worthy of your time.

Her Dating Profile Is Still Active -

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How To See If Someone Has Dating Profiles

Her Dating Profile Is Still Active

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