Fusion101 Dating Login

Welcome to fusion101 - Christian dating for free! 101 is the world's most popular free dating site for Christian singles ️The only absolutely totally free Christian dating service that takes fake profiles and scammers seriously making us the safest and No.1 choice for free Christian personals services and Inernet matchmaking sites. Genuine Christian singles only - no fake mail from us, spam.

Fusion101 Dating Login Site

Hi Fusioneers!…
Welcome to 101FREEChristianDating help! Here you can find answers to common questions on using Fusion101 like photos, searching members, getting your profile noticed, mail issues, chatroom help and dating advice, plus lots of other questions and answers I will be adding and updating as I get your queries! Click a help link from the left navigation or try typing your question into the search box at the top of the page and choosing the most relevant help article.


101 is run by 1 person (me – Edward:) so please try my help pages first, but feel free to email me if you cannot find an answer to your question using the contact link at the bottom of this site. To get started just type your question in the search box above (eg. ‘mail’ or ‘photos’) or use the links at the top or left of this page!

Fusion101 Dating Login Page

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  • How do I register on Fusion101? It’s easy and 100% completely free – always! New Joiners click here to fill out our registration form. Note: you must enter a valid email address to use Fusion101 free Christian Singles. WE NEVER sell member details, send you spam.
  • About 101ChristiansSocialNetworks Welcome to 101ChristiansSocialNetworks! To be clear, this social networking site for Christians is NOT a replacement for Fusion101 FREE Christian Dating service – but a complimentary service. I created it since I appreciate many Christians are isolated – or just want to fellowship with other Christians online. Help me create live regional meetup.

One last note – you probably noticed 101 is a little archaic. That’s because from 2001-2014 I was not able to update my site which I am now able to do. (1) is to make the site mobile friendly (done of sorts); (2) to fix major bugs (done); (3) to move old info pages to proper CMS (done – what you are looking at now); (4) to add better features like distance searching and larger/more photos (to do); (5) make all 300,000+ profiles in the database searchable! – people who have long since forgotten they are on the site that have been automatically hidden from search results. I am now working on (3) and (4) but can’t do (5) without a server upgrade as all those members would make it fall over. If you think it’s a useful service and want to help me sort the site out please consider a small donation here.

Fusion 101 Dating Login


Fusion101 Dating Login Account

God bless you – Edward at Fusion101.com