Dating Site Like Facebook

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For people who hardly have time to mingle with newbies, online sites help them schedule some time for 'that person' they like on the site. Online Dating Dos and Don'ts The most popular site where people meet online and date is Facebook.

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Ever since the Facebook Dating release in 2019, the app has been gaining popularity among singles who look for meaningful relationships rather than casual flings. Unlike Tinder and other similar platforms that match users based on their looks, Facebook dating service begs to differ. The app’s mission is to connect people on a deeper level by matching them according to shared interests, hobbies, and mutual acquaintances.

The idea behind the app is simple. Most of us already have Facebook profiles, and it’s no secret that many people have been using it to hit on each other online. On top of that, Facebook is one of the largest social networks, so adding an extension with matchmaking functionality was predictable.

The service does have a few interesting features like “Secret Crush” and “Second Look” — I’ll review them further in detail. Also, the Facebook dating app is free as long as you’re ok with it using your data. Plus, the service is LGBT-friendly. However, if you’re looking for discreet gay dating experience, that might not be the best platform to go to.

The dating feature is available for some countries in Asia, South America, and Canada. It was supposed to launch in Europe in early 2020, but many of my European friends complained that Facebook dating is not showing up on their phones.

Facebook dating like limit



The app is free to use and has no paid features whatsoever. So if you’re not a fan of paying for the dating services, Facebook Dating worth checking out.

Free Services

One of the best things about the Facebook dating app is that you can use it for free. However, as it always happens with the free stuff, there is a catch. Although you won’t have to pay any money, you’ll have to agree to share your data with Facebook. While some people take it as a deal-breaker, others cannot care less. But in case you’re looking for something more confidential, take a look at the Doublelist review.

Audience quality


The chances are that you won’t have to deal with fake profiles on Facebook Dating. The app will set you up with real people who attend the same events and joined the groups that you’re in. If you agree to match you with friends of friends, some of these matches might turn out to be the people that you already know. I recommend thinking twice before enabling this option, as you may end up in an awkward situation or bump into the crazy ex you hoped never to see again.

With the audience, everything depends on what you’re after. I had a lot more fun with the people I found on the new Craigslist Personals alternative services. So if you’re looking for a secret hookup, you’ll be better off with sites like Pure. But if you prefer long-term relationships and don’t care if your friends find out about your dating adventures, then Facebook Dating might be the right choice.

Age distribution

Facebook is one of the largest social media platforms of our time, and people of all ages are using it. The app allows you to filter people based on their age, and most likely, you won’t have any trouble with finding the match, regardless of how old or young you are. Although there is one strict rule — you have to be 18 and older to use the service.

Fakes and scammers

Facebook dating scams are rare. Since the app uses your personal data to set up the profile, scammers would have to dedicate a lot of time and effort in making a whole new fake persona. Usually, people are not that determined, and Facebook Dating remains mostly scam-free.

In rare cases, scammers may use compromised accounts. So if your new crush starts asking for money, it is best to block and report them right away.



The Facebook Dating desktop version is non-existing, and you can only access it via your mobile app. But you don’t need to rush to the app store: there is no separate app, you’ll find the dating service in your original Facebook app.

The interface of Dating is decent-looking and mostly intuitive. The app will guide you from filling in the profile information to introducing you several ways of meeting your potential date. Prepare to do a lot of reading and writing — you’ll have to fill in lots of info manually and figure out how all the matchmaking features work.

The biggest disappointment of Facebook Dating, in my opinion, is that the app is still work in progress. Be prepared to deal with Facebook Dating crushing once in a while on top of being slow to load. At times, I felt like I’m using the beta version of the app.

Signing up

To activate Facebook dating, go to your Facebook app and tap on the left icon with three horizontal lines. Then scroll down and tap on the “Dating” button.

If you don’t see it on the list, that means that the Facebook dating app is not working in your area, or you are not eligible to use it. This is a bummer, and a lot of my friends reported that Facebook Dating is not working for them.

After you hit that Dating button, you’ll need to set up your profile:

  • Specify your gender and the gender of the person you would like to date.
  • Set your dating location and confirm it by turning the GPS on.
  • Pick your best photo from the ones you’ve got uploaded on Facebook.
  • Review the detail.
  • You’ll have an option to add your Instagram posts and answer personality questions, but that’s the part that you can finish later.

Altogether, the signing up process will take you less than five minutes.


One thing that you’ll notice straight away is that people who use Facebook Dating are serious about making a good first impression. I’ve come across many profiles, both male and female, that went into detail about who they are and who they hope to meet. Straight away, you’ll get the “long-term relationship search” vibe, which is not typical for the majority of dating apps.

I liked the part with personality questions, although it does feel a little “high-school.” The idea is to uncover your likes and dislikes and let them act as conversation starters. You’ll be asked to share your idea of a perfect day, name the last song you sang out loud, or revel your embarrassing childhood habit.

I have to mention that despite all promises to take care of my privacy, I was not comfortable with using a dating service that is connected with my primary social media profile. Even though your friends will have no idea that you’re using it, psychologically, you feel you’re being watched. I would rather use a separate app.


You can filter the users by various parameters such as age, religion, children, height, etc. It is also possible to choose whether you’re ok with matching with the friends of your friends.

Facebook Dating searching and matching model has a few distinctive features:

  • You can discover people in groups and events.
  • Matching is restricted to a hundred miles radius.
  • You can send interest to the people you fancy.
  • No swipe policy.

Getting in touch process is different from the majority of modern dating services. In the Facebook Dating app, you won’t deal with swiping at all. If you are not interested in the person, you need to tap on the “Not interested” button. But when you like somebody, you’ll have to initiate the conversation by leaving a comment to their picture or a question. You won’t be able to see that profile until the person gets back to you. And if they don’t, well, there’s always somebody else!


The Facebook Dating chat is separate from your regular Facebook chat. But the functionality is limited — you won’t be able to send pictures or videos. And if you’re a fan of Snapchat sexting, it is probably better not to practice it on Facebook Dating.

Security and privacy


Although the Facebook dating profile and your Facebook profile are independent of each other, security was still a major concern for me.

Let’s be real, we’re all aware of the infamous Facebook data scandal. It is common practice that instead of charging you money, online companies are using your data to monetize their business. This means that if you use a service for free, most likely, you share your personal information in exchange.

There is an option that allows you not to match with friends of your friends, which is reassuring. It is hardly possible to keep things private when you’re using your main social media account to look for a hookup.

Special Features

Despite a few downsides, the Facebook Dating app has a lot to offer. There are several fun features of the service that often get positive reviews and make it stand out.

Secret Crush

Secret Crush feature feels a little “high-school,” but that makes it even more fun. You can add your real Facebook friends or Instagram followers that you fancy to your Secret Crush list.

If this person is also using Dating, the app will let them know that someone has a crush on them. If they happen to add you as their secret crush as well, you’ll both will be notified. You can add up to nine crushes in total but not more than once per day. Also, you’re free to remove them from the list whenever you want, and they will never know about it.

If it still sounds confusing, here’s a video about how it works:

Surprisingly enough, I did match with one special somebody from my circle, and it turned into one of the most rewarding hookups I’ve ever had. Thank you, Facebook Dating!

Second Look

Everyone deserves a second chance, and Facebook Dating allows you to change your mind. You’ll find the Second Look feature in the settings and review previously suggested matches.

Liked You list

Life would be so much easier if we knew in advance who is into us. The majority of dating apps monetize this idea and make you pay the membership fee to see people who liked you. Amazingly, in Facebook Dating, you can see them for free. And you’re free to return the compliment.

Put on hold

Sometimes, even the most stubborn of us need to take a break from the dating scene. But if you are not ready to delete your profile permanently, Facebook Dating allows you to pause it until you change your mind. And if you’ve matched with someone already, you can continue chatting to this person even when your profile is on hold.

Preemptive blocking

This is my second favorite feature of this service. How many times have you matched with your exes on Tinder? Maybe that’s because I date too much, but I’m bumping into the people I don’t want to see again on and offline the time. But Facebook Dating has got it covered!

The preemptive block list feature suggests you review your blacklists. This way, you can double-check that you won’t match with people you’re better off without, like that ex who broke your heart or a crazy stalker that you forgot to block.

Odds of success


That’s not the app for those who aim for one night stands, sexting, and casual hookups. But even if you look for something serious, it might not be the right option yet. I felt that the app was still in the testing mode, and it’s going to take some time before we’ll be able to enjoy it to the fullest.

So altogether, Facebook Dating left me with mixed feelings. On the one hand, the app has potential. Although it cannot boast a massive userbase, the quality of the audience is pleasantly surprising. You’ll come across a bunch of people looking for a solid long-term relationship, eager to start a conversation rather than wait until someone else makes a move. The app is designed to initiate meaningful communication and connect people on a deeper level.

However, when it comes to user experience, it was not impressive. For many users, Facebook Dating simply doesn’t show up. Also, it is quite common that the app is loading too slow and even crushes once in a while. And considering Facebook history with data, it’s wise to think twice before giving it a go.

Dating Site Like Facebook

Matching algorithm

The quality of the matchmaking algorithm is somewhat questionable. Maybe that’s because of the relatively small userbase, but I’ve felt like my options were limited. I cannot say that I’m too picky, but during the first day of using Facebook Dating, I only liked two people out of nearly a hundred, and only one of them wrote me back.

The only thing that worked for me was the Secret Crush feature, and since it turned into an awesome date, I’ll give Facebook Dating a credit.

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Dating on Facebook – Dating Groups on Facebook Facebook Dating Site Apps: Facebook is simply the largest social network sites that connect friends and families with each other.

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However, Facebook does not just connect friends and families, it is also a platform where singles connect with each other and find love.

Finding love on Facebook isn’t difficult as Facebook has made it easy and possible for singles to mingle and find love through the Facebook dating groups and Facebook dating apps.

A lot of Facebook singles are already utilizing this Facebook dating feature to connect with others.

Sadly, not many singles know about the Facebook dating feature. The few that know about it, don’t even know how to begin with it.

What I will be doing in this article, is to tell you all you need to know about Dating on Facebook – Dating Groups on Facebook Facebook Dating Site Apps.

Before you can begin dating on Facebook or accessing the Facebook dating groups or the Facebook dating apps, you are required to own a Facebook account.

How to Create a Facebook Account

Like I mentioned above, you will need a Facebook account to access Facebook dating sites. This account gives you access to the Facebook site and all of its services.

To get started with your online dating on the Facebook site, you will have to create an account first.

Hence, if you are yet to own a Facebook account, here is a quick and simple process to create on easily.

To create a Facebook account:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your name, email or mobile phone number, password, date of birth and gender.
  3. Click Sign Up.
  4. To finish creating your account, you need to confirm your email or mobile phone number.

Now you have created your Facebook account, you can now have access to Facebook dating.

Ways of Access Facebook Dating

There are majorly 2 ways by which you can access Facebook dating. They include:

  1. Facebook dating groups
  2. Facebook dating apps

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Lets now consider them in detail.

Facebook Dating Groups

Facebook dating groups are unofficial groups created by Facebook users for the purpose of meeting with new people and finding love.

The Facebook Dating group is one of the major means where single men and women connect with each other and find love.

The Facebook dating group has been in existence since the creation of Facebook groups. Meeting new people on Facebook via the Facebook dating group is free and easy.

How To Access Facebook Dating Groups

To access Facebook dating groups, follow the steps below.

  • Open your Facebook mobile app or go to
  • Log in to your Facebook account.
  • Using the search bar on your homepage, type in and search for Dating.
  • Above the search results, click on Groups.
  • You will be given a list of dating groups.
  • Pick a group and click on Join.

List of Facebook Dating Groups

If you are looking for good Facebook dating groups, here is a list of some amazing Facebook dating groups that you can join right away.

Facebook Dating App

Facebook dating service is a secure Facebook app designed by Facebook to enable people to connect with each other and find love.

The Facebook dating service which was launched by Facebook in 2017 is yet not available for every location since it is still a new feature.

Currently, the Facebook dating app is available in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Laos, Malaysia, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Singapore, Suriname, Thailand, United States, Uruguay, and Vietnam.


How To Activate Facebook Dating

Activating the Facebook dating service is very easy, provided it is available in your location. Once it is available in your location, all you need do is to access the Dating service from the menu.

Clicking the Dating service will take you to the dating home where you will be able to set up your Facebook dating profile, different from your normal Facebook profile.

Your Facebook dating profile will only be visible to those who have signed up for the Facebook dating service. Hence, be rest assured it will not appear in the Facebook News Feed.

Also, be rest assured that your current friends will not be able to see your Facebook dating profile. However, you get the option of choosing whether the friends of your friends should be suggested to you as matches.

Another beautiful thing about this is that you can also exclude people you know, so they never see your Facebook dating profile, or better still, you block them.

That’s all on Dating on Facebook – Dating Groups on Facebook Facebook Dating Site Apps.

I hope this guide on Dating on Facebook – Dating Groups on Facebook Facebook Dating Site Apps, helps?

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